Country: Croatia
Area name: Gorski Kotar (Grobničke Alpe)
Activity: MTB
Date of the ride: 23-Nov-2008
Length (km): 43.3
Elevation gain (m): 1200
Technical difficulty: ●●●●
GPS tracklog: download
Overview of mountain biking route:
MTB route Klana – Hahlići is situated in the west area of Croatia named Grobničke Alpe. Grobničke Alpe (west) and Gorski Kotar (east) are the zone of mountains popular for hiking and MTB. The starting point of the route is Klana village. Klana is about 10km far from Rijeka city. The highest point of the route is the area named Hahlići at elevation of about 1.150m. The highest peak is named Obruč. The trail near Hahlići is the rocky singletrack with some short hiking sections. The rest of the route is fast and easy paved, unpaved and carriageway roads. Regarding many junctions on the trail GPS with uploaded route is a must.
Getting there: Europe, Croatia, Rijeka, Klana.
Map of mountain biking route:
Description of MTB route:
Elevation profile of MTB route:
Notes & references: The best time for ride is during Summer, Spring or Fall. Regarding many junctions GPS with uploaded route is a must.
Gallery of mountain biking route:
Ljubo Matrljan
November 17, 2016
Hvalevrijedan putopis kao i svi koje sam do sada pregledao uz jednu malu ispravku da Hahlici i opisana ruta nisu u Gorskom kotaru.
November 17, 2016
Hvala Ljubo na komentaru i posjeti. Slažem se, no pregusto bi mi bilo za preglednu kartu i tablicu razdvajam na još uža područja od postojećeg, tako da je ova ruta “upala” u blisko područje većeg Gorskog Kotara. Budem u narednom periodu pokušao malo srediti ta područja, ali na žalost zbog gustoće i opsega područja, teško da ću moći razdvojiti Gorski Kotar od Grobničkih Alpi.